Literary Journalism
Winter 2014
Prof. David Abrahamson
Fisk 201A
(847) 467-4159; home (847) 332-2223
Office Hours:
By appointment
What can I say about journalism?
It has the greatest virtue and the greatest evil. It is the first thing the
dictator controls. It is the mother of literature and the perpetrator of crap.
In many cases it is the only history we have, and yet it is the tool of the
worst men. But over a long period of time and because it is the product of so
many men, it is perhaps the purest thing we have. Honesty has a way of creeping
in even when it was not intended.
--John Steinbeck
(letter to the U.S. Information
E. Steinbeck and R. Wallsten,
eds., Steinbeck:
A Life in Letters (New York: Viking, 1975), 256.
Literary journalism isn't about literary flourishes, it isn't about
literary references. Literary journalism at its best asks the questions that
literature asks: about the nature of human nature and its place in [the]
Ron Rosenbaum
an interview with Tim Cavanaugh, Feed Magazine)
The focus of this course is the intersection between
journalism and literature; its aim, to encourage you to develop a journalistic
and critical understanding of some of the finest reportage in the English
language. We will survey the work of a generous range of print and broadcast
journalists, analyzing relationships between form and content, as well as the
historical context in which the pieces were produced. In the latter portion of
the course, a number of contemporary journalists will join us as class guests
to discuss their work.
To enroll in this course, you must have successfully taken and passed "Journalism 301."
Many of the assigned readings for the course are available
in a course packet. You will, however, need to purchase the following books,
available in paperback, at the University Bookstore:
John Hersey, Hiroshima
John McPhee, Levels
of the Game a course workbook to be purchased in Fisk 109
(please bring to first
Recommended but not required works (all anthologies) you
may want to purchase for your personal use include:
Berner, The Literature of Journalism: Text and Context (1998)
Norman Sims, True
Stories: A Century of Literary Journalism (2008) and Literary Journalism
in the Twentieth Century (2008)
Gay Talese
and Barbara Lounsberry, Writing Creative Nonfiction: The Literature of
Reality (1996, out of print)
Tom Wolfe and
E.W. Johnson, The New Journalism (out of print)
Ben Yagoda
and Kevin Kerrane, The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary
Journalism (1997)
The course will be conducted in seminar fashion, so you
must be prepared to participate in the class discussion. It is essential that
you complete all the assigned readings for each class meeting. We may not
discuss every reading in class, but you will be responsible for all the
readings on the exams and in occasional in-class written assignments.
The exam will take place during the sixth week of the
term. We'll discuss the format of the exam in some detail well in advance of
the exam date.
Assignments to our Listserv
There will be a number of written homework assignments
during the term, typically due the next class meeting. These will include
recitations, informal and formal story proposals (plus written critiques of
your fellow students' story proposals), term paper proposal, drafts of
manuscripts, etc. All assignments will be submitted in both hard copy (in
class) and posted to a dedicated listserv, MEDILL-L, via e-mail, by an agreed
deadline. It should be noted that all assignments will be written to
assigned deadlines which should be considered inviolable (see
"Grading" below).
Because history has shown that there are major
incompatibilities between the university servers and third-party e-mail systems
such as Gmail, Hotmail and AOL, it will be essential that, for this term, you
use your university e-mail address and turn off all forwarding to other
systems that might be in effect.
To sign up to our listserv, send a one-line message (no
subject) reading:
<SUBSCRIBE MEDILL-L YourFirstName YourLastName> to
the following address: <LISTSERV@LISTSERV.IT.NORTHWESTERN.EDU>. Note: Do
NOT include the "pointy brackets" (< and >) in the address. It
is essential that you recheck your email 10 minutes later, and if you
successfully signed up, you will have received a "welcoming message"
with specific instructions. Please follow them.
I take it as my obligation to return your written
assignments to you promptly, usually before the next class. They will be
returned in your own student folder in black plastic box on the foyer of Fisk
201. Please check the bottom of the folder, because occasionally I may leave
you a small note. You might find it a useful habit to visit your folder before
coming to class each week.
Major Writing
In addition to a variety of homework and in-class writing
assignments, you will complete one major writing assignment. It will be either:
a. A substantial piece of original reporting and writing
not to exceed ten double-spaced typed pages and written exclusively for this
class. It is expected that the literary aspirations for this piece will be
quite high. The assignment's explicit objective is to afford you a chance to
put into practice some of the literary sensibilities, techniques, devices and
command of language we will be explicating during the course of the term.
b. A formal term paper (with bibliography and footnotes)
not to exceed eight double-spaced typed pages. It can be either a comparative
essay on three or more authors discussing their respective points of view,
styles, historical contexts and/or insights on a subject of your choice; or an
interpretive essay on a single thematic topic that combines your own critical
commentary on three or more of the assigned readings with that from other
secondary critical sources.
Conferences: You must arrange an individual conference
with me for approval of your major writing assignment no later than fifth week
of the term. Your proposal should include a concise (one page or less) summary
of your intentions and a preliminary list of sources and/or a bibliography. I
will be glad to discuss the nature and formulation of the assignment with you,
as often as necessary, as you set out to write it.
Rewriting: To allow you to write this major writing
assignment without the pressures of grading, there is a "draft
version" submission date during the seventh week of class. You will turn
in a first draft of your major assignment on this date, and I will comment on
-- but not grade -- it. You will then rewrite the paper and submit it for grading.
The final deadline is the next-to-last class of the term.
Optional Major
Reading Assignment (extra credit)
You may also, if desired, take on an extra-credit reading
assignment. Select one of the books from the list below; they are available in
the library and/or most good bookstores. Read it closely, reflecting on two
questions: why was it written (the author's intent) and how was
it written (the particulars of its execution, including reportage, structure,
themes, characterizations, voice, language, etc.). Then, prior to the ninth
week of the course, write an analytical essay of no more than 1000 words
explicating those aspects of the work you found unique, original and/or worthy
of emulation.
* Rick Atkinson, The Long Gray Line
* Scott Anderson, The Man Who Tried to Save the World
Bissinger, Friday Night Lights
* Marie Brenner, Great Dames
* Gretel Ehrlich, This Cold Heaven
Ian Frazier, Great
* Bil Gilbert, Westerning Man
* Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point
James Gleick,
* Tracy Kidder, Strength in What Remains
* Stephen Kinzer, Overthrow
Jon Krakauer,
Into Thin Air
* Sebastian Junger, The Perfect Storm
* Nicolas Lemann, The Promised Land
Lewis, The Blind Side
McLean, Young Men and Fire
* Gay Talese, Honor Thy Father
* Lillian Ross, Picture
Tom Wicker, A
Time to Die
* Alex Witchel, Girls Only
* = former Distinguished Visitor to our seminar
Because participation in the discussions forms a
significant part of the course, attendance is mandatory. Missing class will
lower your final grade, as will lack of preparation. If, for some very
important reason, you will be absent from class, you must let me know
There are a number of deadlines in the course for
proposals, papers and other assignments. I think it reasonable to expect that,
as a journalist, you do whatever is necessary to meet, without fail, without
exception, every one of these deadlines. Each deadline assumes the work will be
turned in at the start of class, so promptness is essential. No late
assignments will be accepted.
The penalties: Two (2) absences and/or one (1) missed
deadline will, no matter what the quality of your other efforts, lower your
final course grade one full letter grade. You will find me unusually intolerant
of excuses, explanations, etc.
A grade for your participation in the class discussion
will be assigned, and, along with your homework and in-class writing exercises,
it will comprise 50 percent of your final grade. The major writing assignment
will count for 30 percent of your grade, and exams (midterm and final) will
count for 10 percent each for a total of 20 percent.
Two final matters: (a) Northwestern
is committed to providing a supportive and challenging environment for students
with disabilities, working to provide a learning environment that affords them
equal access and reasonable accommodation of their disabilities; any student
who has a documented disability and needs accommodations for classes and/or
course work is requested to speak directly to the Office of Services for
Students with Disabilities (847-467-5530) and me within the first two weeks of
class. All discussions will remain confidential. And (b) It is expected
that all students will adhere to the Medill School of Journalism's Standards
for Academic Integrity as outlined in the Undergraduate Handbook. If you do not
have a copy, please obtain one from the undergraduate registrar, Fisk Hall,
Room 104B.
Course Schedule
The class will meet once a week and each class session
will be three hours in length.
Jan 6 (Class 1, Week 1)
Topic: Introduction, Six Tools and
Autobiographical essay (2 copies due in hard-copy at next class meeting).
Sign up to listserv (due tomorrow).
Story Idea Version 1 (see listserv "Welcoming Message;" due on
listserv by agreed deadline; Subject line: "YourName's Story Idea Version
Quintessential Quote exercise: Charles Dickens and Mark Twain; due on listserv
as agreed; Subject line: "YourName's Dickens and Twain quintessential
Jan 13 (Class 2, Week 2):
Theme and Advocacy
Charles Dickens, "On Duty
with Inspector Field" from Charles Dickens, A December Vision: His
Social Journalism.
Twain, Selections from Clemens of the Call;
Mark Twain, "Sociable Jimmy" from the New York Times.
Crane, "The Man in the White Hat" and "Marines Signaling Under
Fire at Guantanamo" from The War Dispatches of Stephen Crane
Harding Davis, "The Death of Rodriguez" from A Year from a
Reporter's Note-Book
Richard Harding Davis, "The Germans in Brussels" from the New York
Herald Tribune
Finalize Story Idea Version 2 with "theme" paragraph (to listserv;
Subject line: "YourName's Story Idea Version 2 w/theme").
Jan 20 No class meeting
Jan 24 (Class 3, Week
Cynicism and Empathy; Narrator and Moment
H.L. Mencken, "Preface"
and "Allegro Con Brio" from
Newspaper Days; Selections from Christmas Story
Hecht, "The Death of Henry Spencer" from A Child of the Century
Walter Lippmann,
"Newspapers" from Public Opinion; "Force and Ideas,"
"Life Is Cheap" and "Taking a Chance" from Early
Hemingway, "Bull Fighting a Tragedy," "A.D. in Africa" and
"A New Kind of War" from Byline: Ernest Hemingway
Coaching Memo on Story Idea Version 2 w/theme suggestion (to listserv; Subject
line: "YourName's Critique of WriterName's Story Idea Version 2 w/theme
Jan 27 (Class 4, Week 4):
Symbolic Detail and Negative Space
George Orwell, "Shooting an
Elephant" from The Orwell Reader
George Orwell, "Why I Write" from The Orwell Reader
Thompson, "Good-by to Germany" from Harper's
R. Murrow, Selections from This is London
Pyle, Selections from Ernie's War
Major Writing Assignment proposal (to listserv; Subject line: "YourName's
Major Writing Proposal or YourName's Term Paper Proposal")
Feb 3 (Class 5,Week 5):
Journalistic Distance; Journalist as Moral Witness
Freya Stark, "The Arabian
Coast," "Landing" and "The Way to Jol" from The
Southern Gates of Arabia
Liebling, "A Good Appetite" and "Its Corollary" from Liebling
Hersey, Hiroshima (in its
Agee, "Overalls" from Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
Critique of Major Writing Assignment proposal (to listserv; Subject line:
"YourName's Critique of WritersName's Major Writing Proposal [or Term
Paper Proposal]")
Deadline: Recitation due on DISTINGUISHED VISITOR.
Feb 10 (Class 6, Week 6):
Conferences and Midterm exam
Darnton, "Journalism: All the News That Fits We Print" from The
Kiss of Lamourette
Question for DISTINGUISHED VISITOR (to listserv; Subject line: "YourName's
Question for NameofVisitor")
Feb 17 (Class 7, Week 7):
Topic: The Role of Image; Profiles
and Personalities
James Baldwin, " A Letter
from the South" from Nobody Knows My Name
James Baldwin, "Equal in Paris" from Notes of a Native Son
Kuralt, Selections from On the Road
Frazier, "Canal Street" from the New Yorker
Ian Frazier, "Typewriter Man" from the Atlantic Monthly
Hafner, "The Epic Saga of the Well" from Wired
Deadline: Major Writing Assignment
"first turn-in" submission date
Feb 24 (Class 8, Week 8):
The New Journalism and Journalist as Outsider
Norman Sims, "The
Literary Journalists" (Sims, pp. 3-25)
Frank DiGiacomo, "The Esquire Decade" from Vanity Fair
Wolfe, "The New Journalism" (Wolfe and Johnson, pp. 3-52)
Tom Wolfe, "Yeager" from The Right Stuff (originally from Rolling
Stone); Tom Wolfe, Selections from Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak
Catchers (Wolfe and Johnson, pp. 377-394)
S. Thompson, "The Hell's Angels, a Strange and Terrible Saga" (Wolfe
and Johnson, pp. 340-355)
Malcolm Gladwell, "The Law of the Few" from
The Tipping Point; Malcolm Gladwell, "The New-Boy Network"
from the New Yorker
Ross, "Introduction" and "The Yellow Bus" from
Host Committee prepares for DISTINGUISHED VISITOR
Mar 3 (Class 9, Week
The Effects of
Technology; Perspective and Point of View
Visitor: Michael Hainey, selections from After Visiting Friends.
Gay Talese, "'Joe,' Said
Marilyn Monroe, Just Back from Korea" and "Frank Sinatra Has a
Cold" from Esquire
Talese, "Introduction" from Best American Essays
Norman Mailer, "Armies of the Night" from Harpers's; Norman
Mailer, "Superman Comes to the Supermart" from Esquire
Joan Didion, "Salvador" (Sims, pp. 71-86); Joan Didion, "On
Keeping a Notebook" from the New York Review of Books
John McPhee, Levels of the Game
(in its entirety)
MAR 10 (Class 10, Week
First Person Narrator; The Digital Future of Literary Journalism; Final Exam
and Course Close
Tisdale, "We Do Abortions Here" and "Talk Dirty to Me" from
Anderson, "Prisoners of War" from Harper's
Optional: John Seabrook,
"E-Mail from Bill" from the New Yorker
Gilbert, "Mirror of My Mood" from Sports Illustrated
Turn in final version of Major Writing Assignment.
1. Autobiographical assignment.
Write an autobiographical essay. This is due the second
class meeting. No more than two double-spaced pages, 500 words or less, to
include, but not limited to: Your age, nationality and ethnic background,
hometown of your youth, parents and their occupations and influence on you,
your major and why you chose it, jobs you've held, your future professional
aspirations, your hobbies and interests, the three most memorable books you've
read and what makes them so, the magazine or newspaper you most admire (and
perhaps might some day consider working for?) and why you admire it. Please
conclude your essay with an attempt to write one perfect English sentence that
includes the word "love."
2. Recitation assignment.
During the term, you will be responsible for two or three
brief (five-minute) class presentations on the authors on the reading list. In
addition to general biographic information, these recitations should include
summaries of their journalistic careers (see samples below).
To prepare for these presentations, you should use both
general reference sources (encyclopedias, biographical dictionaries, etc.) and
specific biographies and/or works of literary criticism. Please post your
recitation on our MEDILL-L listserv by the agreed homework deadline and bring
two (2) hard copies to class. You will turn in one copy of your recitation --
double-spaced, with bibliography -- for evaluation.
And lastly, please conclude your recitation with an
example of one single sentence you have unearthed in your readings of the
author's work that could be regarded as a consummately quintessential example
of both their writing style and their world view; in effect, a sentence that
could only have be written by them.
Sample Recitation
Dickens (1812-1870), the unchallenged master of the 19th-century
English social novel, was raised in stark poverty. The second of eight children
in a poor family made poorer by his father's failures as a civil-service clerk,
his early life offered little security. When his father was thrown in debtor's
prison, Dickens, then age 12, was forced into child labor. Clearly, his childhood struggles had a
lifelong effect. As one biographer wrote, "The poverty and anarchy of his
early life stuffed his memory with strange things and people never to be discovered
in Tennysonian country houses or Thackerayan drawing-rooms." His
experiences growing up became the basis for many of his most famous books,
including Great Expectations and David Copperfield.
After brief service
as a legal clerk, Dickens entered the world of letters as a reporter for The
True Sun and The Morning Chronicle, and soon became a parliamentary
reporter for The Mirror of Parliament. According to contemporary
accounts, "he was ranked high as a reporter for his accuracy, neat reports
and the speedy transcription of his shorthand notes." He also began
writing sketches, often illustrated by Cruikshank, for The Old Monthly
Magazine and served for a time as an editor at Bentley's Miscellany
His first true
literary successes came in 1836, with the publications of Sketches of Boz,
a combination of nonfiction and fiction on the lives of everyday people in
London, and the Pickwick Papers, a serialized publication featuring
characters with exaggerated personalities. In a critical look at DickensÕ work,
novelist George Gissing pointed to DickensÕ use of characters for comedic
effect: ÒHumour
is the soul of his work. Like the soul of man, it permeates a living fabric
which, but for its creative breath, could never have existed.Ó Oliver
Twist, written in 1837 at age 25, was the first of a series of major novels
(Nicholas Nickleby, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities,
David Copperfield) in which Dickens used a uniquely detailed documentary
style, the style of a reporter, to expose contemporary social evils. Novelist
George Orwell wrote, ÒDickens voiced a code which was and on the whole still is believed in,
even by people who violate it. It is difficult otherwise to explain why he
could be both read by working people (a thing that has happened to no other
novelist of his stature) and buried in Westminster Abbey.Ó In 1843, A
Christmas Carol, perhaps DickensÕ most famous novella, was published.
as his fiction writing took off, Dickens stayed true to his journalistic roots.
For the last 20 years of his life, Dickens edited his own weekly magazine. In
1850, he co-founded Household Words, which published essays, short
fiction and poetry. In 1859, he started All the Year Round, which was
similar to Household Words but also included serialized novels. In fact,
Dickens published three of his own works – A
Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and Bleak
House, in this magazine. DickensÕ son, Charley, took over the editorship
after DickensÕ death, but the magazine folded in 1893.
Although DickensÕ
popularity waned some near the end of the 19th century, his work
regained recognition in the 1940s and 1950s because of essays by Orwell and
Edmund Wilson, who referred to Dickens as Òthe
greatest writer of his time.Ó DickensÕ devotees point to his character
development as the most enduring aspect of his work. The Russian novelist Leo
Tolstoy said of Dickens, ÒAll his characters are
my personal friends. I am constantly comparing them with living persons, and
living persons with them, and what a spirit there was in all he wrote." This realism gave the topics he wrote about
all the more credence.
Quintessential quote: ÒMy meaning simply is, that whatever I have
tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well; that whatever I
have devoted myself to, I have devoted myself to completely; that in great aims
and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest." (David Copperfield)
Dickens Bibliography:
Claudia F. "Editors/Reporters Who Became Novelists." Media History
Digest 3.1 (Spring 1983): 34-41,
Archibald C. Charles Dickens as Serial Novelist. Ames: Iowa
State University Press, 1967.
Britannica, 1953 ed. S.v. "Dickens,
Shelly Fisher. From Fact to Fiction: Journalism and Imaginative
Writing in America. New York:
Oxford University Press,
Edgar. Charles Dickens, His Tragedy and Triumph. New York: Viking
Press, 1977.
Fred. Dickens: A Biography. New York: Morrow, 1988.
Jack. Charles Dickens: A Biographical and Critical Study. London:
Dakers, 1950.
Norman. A Dickens Chronology. Boston: G.K.Hall, 1988.
Ned and Neuburg, Victor, eds. Charles Dickens, A December Vision: His
Social Journalism. London:
Collins, 1986.
Edward. The Man Charles Dickens. New York: Houghton Mifflin,
Stephen, ed. Charles Dickens, A Critical Anthology. Baltimore: Penguin
Books, 1970.
Mark Twain (b. Samuel
Clemens, 1835-1910) was perhaps the best known American novelist of his time.
Though the early death of his father, a Hannibal, Mo. shopkeeper, left the
family destitute, Twain had two advantages: One was his mother's belief in
education. "A Harvard or Yale graduate of Twain's time would have regarded
him as unschooled," wrote biographer Oliver Howard, "but he had ten
years of formal schooling from age four through 14, far more than the average
person of his generation." The second was his older brother, Orion, owner
of the Hannibal Journal, who introduced him to the world of newspapers.
Starting as a 12-year-old assistant on the Journal, Twain quickly
learned the typesetting craft and became a journeyman printer, traveling as far
east as New York before he was 19.
When the Civil War
closed the river trade in 1861, ending a brief stint as a Mississippi pilot,
Twain went west. Having occasionally contributed satirical pieces to his
brother's Journal, Walt Whitman's New Orleans Crescent and the
Keokuk (Iowa) Post in his late teens and early twenties, Twain soon
decided on a career in journalism. Presenting himself to the owner of the
Virginia City Territorial Enterprise in September 1862, he declared,
"My name is Clemens, and I've come to write for the paper." Clearly,
the raw, violent world of the Comstock Lode did not daunt him. Though short on
actual journalistic training, he promptly found his way. Recalling his very
first reporting assignment in Virginia City, Twain would later write, "I
felt that I had found my legitimate occupation as last." Later he would work
as a reporter for the Placer (Nev.) Weekly Courier, the San Francisco Call
and the San Francisco Alta California, as a traveling correspondent for
a number of California and New York newspapers and as a contributor to Harper's,
The Atlantic and Galaxy magazines. He began to gain fame in 1865
when his short story, "The Celebrated Jumping
Frog of Calaveras County,Ó was published in the New York Saturday Press.
Almost 25 years
after beginning his newspaper career as a "printer's devil," Twain
found his fictional voice, publishing his first narrative work, Roughing It,
in 1872. This was followed by The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The
Prince and the Pauper, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn and A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court.
These later novels not only established Twain's position as the master
folk-writer of his era, but also secured the place of the colloquial voice of
the Western frontier in American literature. Ernest Hemingway said, ÒAll modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain
called Huckleberry Finn.Ó Even in his fictional accounts, Twain relied
on his experience growing up in Hannibal and his short time as a riverboat
pilot. He rejected the idea that
nonfiction was necessarily more real than fiction. ÒGet your
facts first, then you can distort them as you please.Ó
Twain was fascinated
by new technology, and this played out in the plot of A Connecticut Yankee
at King Arthur's Court, which featured a time traveler bringing his
technological know-how to Arthurian England. Later in life, though, his
literary success faded. Twain rushed many of his stories because of constant
money troubles that came from investments in failed inventions. Novels such as Pudd'nhead
Wilson and Personal Reflections of Joan of Arc were unsuccessful
commercially. Twain became an outspoken critic of other writers in the literary
reviews he published in the early 20th century, shortly before his
death. Jane Austen took the worst of his criticism (although some scholars now
believe he was secretly a fan of her work). Twain wrote in a letter, ÒEvery time I read 'Pride and
Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own
shin-bone.Ó During the last four years of his life, Twain dictated his
autobiography to a stenographer. The first volume of the 500,000-word
manuscript was published in November 2010, more than a century after the
authorÕs death.
Quintessential quote: ÒThe wind blew
such a hurricane that the coach drifted sideways from one toll road to another,
and sometimes utterly refused to mind her helm.Ó
Twain Bibliography:
Edgar M., ed. Clemens of the Call. Berkeley: Univ. of California
Press, 1969.
Louis J. Our Mark Twain: The Making of his Public Personality.
Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania
Press, 1983.
Thomas Bernard. Fusing Fictional Technique and Journalistic Fact:
Literary Journalism in the 1890s
Newspaper. Providence, R.I.:
s.n., 1984.
Britannica, 1953 ed. S.v. "Twain, Mark."
Granville. The Great Tradition. New York: Biblio, 1967.
Oliver N. and Howard, Goldena. The Mark Twain Book. New London, Mo.:
Ralls County Book Co., 1985.
John. The Making of Mark Twain. New York: American Heritage, 1985.
Sanborn, Margaret. Mark
Twain: The Bachelor Years. New York: Doubleday, 1990.
Author List
This is the list of journalists we
will cover in the assigned readings. Please select two or three for your
recitation assignments.
Charles Dickens
Mark Twain
Stephen Crane
Richard Harding Davis
H.L. Mencken
Ben Hecht
Walter Lippmann
Ernest Hemingway
George Orwell
Dorothy Thompson
Edward R. Murrow
Ernie Pyle
Freya Stark
A.J. Liebling
John Hersey
James Agee
Robert Darnton
James Baldwin
Charles Kuralt
Ian Frazier
Katie Hafner
GUEST: Michael Hainey (due 5th class)
Norm Sims
Tom Wolfe
Hunter S. Thompson
Malcolm Gladwell*
Lillian Ross
Gay Talese
Norman Mailer*
Joan Didion*
John McPhee
Sallie Tisdale
Scott Anderson
John Seabrook*
Bil Gilbert
* Readings are optional
Books in Library
The following books should be
available in the library. The list includes both interesting critical
commentaries on "the literature of fact" and a few additional works
by some of the contemporary assigned authors.
Chris Anderson, Style as
Argument: Contemporary American Nonfiction
Edgar M. Branch, Clemens of the
Call: Mark Twain in San Francisco
Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of
Richard Harding Davis, A Year
from a Reporter's Note-Book
Terry Eagleton, The Function of
Shelley Fisher Fishkin, From Fact
to Fiction: Journalism & Imaginative Writing
in America
John Hartsock, A History of
American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a
Modern Narrative Form
John Hellmann, Fables of Fact:
The New Journalism as New Fiction
John Hollowell, Fact &
Fiction: The New Journalism and the Nonfiction Novel
Michael L. Johnson, The New
Journalism: The Underground Press, the Artists of
Nonfiction and Changes in the
Established Media
Barbara Lounsberry, The Art of
Fact: Contemporary Artists of Nonfiction
John A. McPhee, The John McPhee
James Emmett Murphy, The New
Journalism: A Critical Perspective
Neil Philip and Victor Neuburg, Charles
Dickens: A December Vision
Norman Sims, Literary
Journalism in the Twentieth Century
Louis Snyder, ed., A Treasury
of Great Reporting: Literature Under
Pressure from the Sixteenth Century
to Our Own Time
Gay Talese, New York: A
Serendipiter's Journey
Joseph M. Webb, The Student
Journalist and Writing the New Journalism
Ronald Weber, The Literature of
Fact: Literary Nonfiction in American